Blockchain is a network that uses decentralized (distributed) and encryption technologies to store the history of all transactions made with digital assets such as Bitcoin in the ledger.
If we want to say in simple words, what is blockchain? We should consider it as a long chain of data.
The data actually includes the transactions that take place in the network. Transaction records are stored in packages called blockchain. After completing and verifying its information, each block is added to the end of the chain. This chain of blocks, which we call the blockchain, is stored in the nodes or nodes of the network.Nodes are computers that have the task of storing all network information and a copy of all data is stored in it.Blockchain uses several layers of security, such as different peer-to-peer algorithms, proof-of-work systems, and Hash technology, which together create a very secure and stable network. New blocks are always added to the end of the blockchain. With this, pervious blocks cannot be changed.
Invesigma application can use blockchain technology to improve services and provide new services to customers.
By using blockchain, the application can use this technology to create better, safer, more transparent processes and provide differentiated services and higher efficiency to its users.