Invesigma is a bilingual messaging/messenger ,application that uses a specialized translation engine using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for real estates.
This translation engine is trained with one million specialized sentences in Farsi and English languages and has the ability to translate specialized texts accurately and meaningfully.
With specialized translation in the field of real estate, users can better understand the information related to real estate transactions and sign their contracts more accurately.
This leads to the reduction of errors and ambiguities in the process of concluding real estate contracts and creates more trust between the parties.In addition, users can easily get to know the details and conditions of real estate contracts and in this way protect themselves against possible potentials.
The Invesigma team is investigating and researching the use of blockchain technology to improve services and provide new services, which shows that they are looking for innovative solutions to improve the performance of their application.
Such creative solutions can help the successful development and growth of the application and attract more users.
Therefore, it is possible that the Invesigma application will use blockchain technology in its future versions and provide new features and improvements for its users. This decision can lead to a better user experience, more security, and providing innovative services.