Hello, there! It's been a while, but we are back from our little break on social media with a new post about our application's growth process through 2022.
To briefly summarize the progress, we would like to let you know that our machine translation system has been updated and developed multiple times in the last year. 
We added new features, such as individual categories for real estate, wealth management, and more.
Also, we took one very impactful step. We were lucky enough to sign contracts with partners willing to expand our database with their translation data.
This happened with two advantageous partners in Mashhad; in total, our databank increased by about 2 million words.
Currently, Invesigma's last version is in the safe hands of our application manufacturers. However, you will be welcome to use it after the final debugging and developing process!
I'd like you to please stay tuned to know what our application journey is in 2023.